Sunday, 31 July 2011

musicbizpro hacked!

The weekend doesn't end there mate! Following is the data base of musicbizpro, India ( Coming days will be marked with more mayhem.

Enjoy the Mayhem!

Indivibe Hacked! with over 12000+ account info.

Here we go, one of our releases. This data base is of Indivibe ( one the most famous social websites in India. This is just a glitch (only 12000+) we have to give but there will be more to come. Many Internation DJ's & Indian stars have them account, do give the a call ;)

Enjoy the Mayhem!

Release 1
Release 2
Reease 3

P.S.- Passwords are in Hash encryption.
To download entier document click-

Saturday, 30 July 2011

Corrupts got hacked! Kongu Polytechnic College (India)

Below is the 'Corrupt' Kongu Polytechnic College (India) ( data base. Other people will be paying the price for wrong done by the college.
Spammers have fun.

Enjoy the Mayhem!

Here is the link 

Friday, 29 July 2011

Association of Cosmetic Laser Surgeons had a surgery us!

Below is the Data Base of Association of Cosmetic Laser Surgeons, India ( was a very lame website to hack.

Here is the link

Enjoy the Mayhem!

Thursday, 28 July 2011

We 'ThEhAcKeR12'

We are 'ThEhAcKeR12'. Although we are not affiliated to any of the hacker groups, but we are inspired from anonymous and lulzsec's effort to educate common people about the power they possess, power to turn things around the way they want. You can't hold just a few people responsible at the top of the system for anything and everything because at the end it is us, people, who let them to do anything the want to. You are responsible for every decision, every action your system takes, so don't allow them to drag you into the mayhem. Ask questions, give answers and spread the message. You are not just common people, you are the messengers, and it's you who can change the world.
We may not fall into the "legal" category, but "legal" is what? We are the 'Grey Hats'. We don't need a name or publicity. All we want and need is you people to wake up and stand for your rights. Ignorance will lead us to destruction and if it happens, no one else but you will be responsible for it. We are just making a start but it's you people who have to lead the way and change India and this world for good, forever!
In the days to follow, we will reveal information concerning you, all which you are unaware about. We have just started working on our first project- "Project Mayhem" and we need your support to spread this message: "IF YOU WON'T TALK, EXPECT NO ONE TO LISTEN, EXPECT NO CHANGE."

WE ARE "ThEhAcKeR12",

Stock Broking Company named Bulls House got BULLED by us.

We dont mean any harm to Share Market but to make it more intresting, below is Data Base (small part) of the

Click the link to view it.

Enjoy the Mayhem!

Maulana Azad institute of dental college

This attack is to bring attention about the week education system pertaining in India.

Enjoy the Mayhem!

Project Mayhem

As the corruption & anarchy gets to its top most level in india, we launched a new movement known as 'Project Mayhem' to give the head knocking answer to this people in the field of Internet. We soly believe in our agendas. They are as follows:

1) The complete removal of corruption.
2) A law for severe punishment for all corrupt officials.
3) A quick & swift clearance of pending law suits.
4) Bring back the Black money to the country.
5) To educate about the internet Securities & Vulnerability which persists.

Wednesday, 27 July 2011

Starting the journey

The below is the Data base of UserName & Password of the

This Data base includes the server information & Password (hash encryption). 

The following link will take you to the data base file. Enjoy the Mayhem!

Pastebin link:

PS: Use MD5 decryptor for decryption of the password.

This Blog is about the 'Anti Sec' movement which is been covered in India.

      As the leaders of 'Anti Sec' like AnonymousIRC, Lulzsec, etc covers the world with the agenda of raising the voice of common people in a new platform, We by the name of 'ThEhAcKeR12' is driving this movement in India. We are not officially associated with the AnonymousIRC or Lulzsec but our motive is same.